Cinnamon Roll Apple Pie

I got this idea from the Martha Stewart recipe for a Cinnamon Swirl Apple Slab pie but made my own tweaks and ended up with a fairly easy to make (especially if you buy pre-made and rolled crust like I did LOL) treat! I wing most of my recipes so if you need super exact measurements - sorry! This is what I did and I’m not a chef but I will say it turned out pretty well. :)

NOTE: I mentioned buying the pre-rolled crust. I highly suggest this unless you’re a pie wizard. In order to keep the spirals from falling apart, the wrong consistency, etc it’s just much easier to be working with an already thinned and perfected crust. BUT more power to you if you make it from scratch!! And I bet it taste yummier too!



  • Two rounds of pre rolled pie crust (homemade or store-bought)

  • 4-5 apples

  • Oats

  • Flour

  • Cinnamon

  • Butter

  • Brown Sugar

  • Sugar

  • Lemon Juice

  • One Egg

  • Splash of Milk (Regular or Vegan works)

  • Sugar in the Raw


  • Put your first rolled crust round on the bottom of your pie pan

  • Unroll your second pie round out on a floured surface and leave for a few minutes to warm up closer to room temp while you do the next few steps

  • In a bowl: add 4-5 sliced apples, a small handful of flour, a bunch of shakes of ground cinnamon (this is just what I call it), a few pinches of sugar (it’s probably about 3 tbsp), a handful of oats and a squeeze of lemon juice. STIR.

  • In a bowl or large measuring cup: Melt about 3/4 of a stick of butter and add a cup of brown sugar, plus a little bit of ground cinnamon and if you like almond extract then you can add a tsp of almond extract as well for an extra yummy flavor. You’re looking to make a thick paste here so add more butter or brown sugar if needed to make this paste a little thicker.

  • Time to return to your crust that has been resting on the counter or on a flat surface - you’re going to spoon your butter and brown sugar paste onto that crust and then evenly spread over the dough. Once you have spread the paste out, start tightly rolling your dough back up in a log and transfer to the fridge for about 10-15 minutes to firm up (longer if your dough was getting too soft and unmanageable before).

  • Pre-heat the oven to 420.

  • Transfer your apple mixture to your pan that has your pie crust in it.

  • In a small bowl: beat an egg, and a splash of milk

  • Once your rolled brown sugar and crust log feels firm enough to slice remove it from the fridge. Start slicing thin pieces off the log and layering in a circle pattern on top of your apple filling.

  • Use a pastry brush to brush the egg mixture over the top of the pie, sprinkle cinnamon and sugar in the raw on top of the egg mixture.

  • Bake in the oven for ~ 20 minutes but please watch this closely for yourself and just remove when golden!

  • Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and sprinkle with extra cinnamon - YUM my mouth is watering!


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